
Done. is the first Regenerative Project Management company in Aotearoa. We integrate regenerative practice with our project management, design management, cultural and environmental service offerings. We work alongside people and place to regenerate the built and natural environment to a state of good health that thrives and improves over time.

Taheke Marae.

CLIENT | Taheke Marae Whanau + Screentime Productions

OUR ROLE | Sustainable Advisor + Build Team

The community at Taheke Marae, in the Hokianga, were strong and committed to the restoration of their Marae. Whanau were clear that their priority was to restore their Wharenui to greatness and direct their focus and attention to her. During construction, over 300 whanau members volunteered on site daily, including several highly skilled tradespeople. As a result, in just four days, we were able to complete a full renovation of the wharenui including re-cladding, re-roofing, solar panel install, replacing rotten framing, new windows and doors, insulation and a complete internal refurbishment including new lining, restored carvings, and new carpet.

As the wharenui is considered a living being, the whanau wanted to approach the renovation with a high level of care and we made sure that only the healthiest materials were used to re-build her.  All internal building materials were low VOC emitting and had Declare labels (the health label for building materials). This attention to detail produced a healthy, comfortable environment for those who would occupy the Wharenui.

Both innovative new technologies and restored existing materials were used. The world’s first Living Product Certified carpet was installed - a product which gives more to the environment through it’s manufacturing process than it takes. Existing native kauri was carefully removed from the Wharenui exterior, and re-finished at a local mill into beautiful, long slabs which were used as vertical ‘rib’s’ on the internal walls - representing the experience of entering the ‘belly’ of the Wharenui.

It was moving to be part of this Marae DIY and work alongside the Taheke whanau - who proved that incredible, high-quality outcomes can be achieved at pace when a community is strong and connected.