
Done. is the first Regenerative Project Management company in Aotearoa. We integrate regenerative practice with our project management, design management, cultural and environmental service offerings. We work alongside people and place to regenerate the built and natural environment to a state of good health that thrives and improves over time.

Making Space Book Launch.


Done. is really excited to be part of the new book ‘Making Space: A history of New Zealand women in architecture’.

This epic book was edited by Elizabeth Cox, who has done an amazing job weaving together stories written by 30 leading female architects, architectural historians and academics about women who “have made many significant contributions to the built environment, creativity and community of Aotearoa, New Zealand.” We are very proud to be included in the chapters; ‘Ever Tenacious: Wāhine Māori in Architecture’ by Deidre Brown (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Kahu) and ‘The Architecture of Collective Living’ by Elizabeth Aitken Rose, alongside other incredible company.

We had a great night at the book’s recent launch event at Toi o Tāmaki (Auckland Art Gallery), where we celebrated this moment in history, Elizabeth’s achievement and all the awesome women it showcases.

Image credits: Architecture + Women NZ