
Done. is the first Regenerative Project Management company in Aotearoa. We integrate regenerative practice with our project management, design management, cultural and environmental service offerings. We work alongside people and place to regenerate the built and natural environment to a state of good health that thrives and improves over time.

Healthy Waters Waiora Partnerships Process Improvement.

CLIENT | Auckland Council

OUR ROLE | Project Management

Water. It’s our most valuable resource. As the human population grows, so does our water use. Currently we’re using water much faster than our supply can support. By 2030 it is estimated that half the world will be living in high water-stress areas. That’s why we need to take the best possible care of the water we do have access to right now.

Waiora Partnerships is a team based within Auckland Council’s Healthy Waters division. Their role is to empower Auckland communities with projects and programmes to improve water quality, protect water from further damage and encourage ownership of this collective issue.

They are currently working with 21 Auckland Local Boards to deliver around 300 community led projects per year. The team asked Done to complete an independent review of their way of working and design an improved process which maximises the potential for high quality outcomes.